A body of work bringing together both traditional photography and a genre of contemporary photographic art, termed "conservation surrealism" by the author. It weaves poetic texts with intimate portraits of animals intended to evoke a sense of awe in the modern reader, reaching animal lovers, nature enthusiasts, conservationists, and anyone intrigued with spiritual ecology. While wildlife art and photography dominate most pages, there is a sacred story told by Mother Nature herself between the images, and it is one with a distinct lesson for humanity, and how to move forward with a healthy balance ecologically and spiritually. How to do this? Change your paradigm, My human child. The intent is to use visual art to help you do just that, regarding our natural world and its other inhabitants.
Offered in 11 X 8.5 hardcover with dust jacket. Over 100 full page portraits weaved with poetic prose.
50% of proceeds divided between various wildlife organizations throughout the world.
Please email me at: norwulf@protonmail.com or direct message through any social media site, for purchase inquiries.
Praise for And They All Have Souls:
"Starting with the graceful script font title and the beautiful cheetah cover photo, author Elie Wolf’s book And They All Have Souls invites readers to open their hearts to the beauty and awareness of animals in the wild. Her amazing photography, sometimes combined with artistic adaptations, evokes the wonder of being up-close with sentient, soulful beings. Intermittent poetic stream-of-consciousness speaks directly to the heart.
It’s a tale of hope that earth’s “youngest” animal, human beings, will evolve to recognize other animals as kin to be cared about. The full-page color photos, whether in sharp focus or dreamy images of scenes and animals, encourage us to breathe in the message.
This thought-provoking, deeply touching look through so many eyes is clearly a poignant plea for harmony and peace among all creatures."
Dr. Diana Kanoy, Author, She Swims With Alligators